20th November
Today in France the teachers were on strike (la grève). I always notice when this happens (which is all too frequently), not just because it is plastered all over the French news, but because numerous friends come sidling round ‘wondering what Elizabeth is doing tomorrow’, and ‘would she like a playmate for the day?’ I’m sure this is a phenomena experienced by many home educators who find themselves ‘babysitting’ for the children of friends and family when an unexpected day off from school occurs. Luckily for my friends I like children and yes, Elizabeth would welcome a playmate for the day. It doesn’t seem to occur to any of them however that we might actually be doing something. Goodness me, no… all we home educators do is sit at home all day watching TV, didn’t you know! Sometimes it feels a bit like a garderie (nursery) around here. On the positive side, Elizabeth got to practice speaking French whilst she had a lovely day playing with a friend. She is still so much more into ‘playing’ than anything else and it’s nice to indulge her.
James and I took the sheep granules that he bought yesterday over to the field and it certainly had the desired effect. We took and shook a big black bucket with a handful of granules inside and they all immediately came running. They didn’t quite go so far as to eat out of our hands but I reckon they will eventually.
Tonight James is going to ring the number of a man recommended for organizing the butchering of our pig. It’s a bit sad, but that was what he was reared for. Tom is still insisting he won’t eat any of the meat, but I reckon he will change his mind when it comes to it. I am trying to stay detached but I have got so used to him being in the garden and coming running when I arrive with the pig bucket. And of course his dear sweet face looking at me through the wire; and the way he snorts when he…..STOP IT KIM!!!
Today in France the teachers were on strike (la grève). I always notice when this happens (which is all too frequently), not just because it is plastered all over the French news, but because numerous friends come sidling round ‘wondering what Elizabeth is doing tomorrow’, and ‘would she like a playmate for the day?’ I’m sure this is a phenomena experienced by many home educators who find themselves ‘babysitting’ for the children of friends and family when an unexpected day off from school occurs. Luckily for my friends I like children and yes, Elizabeth would welcome a playmate for the day. It doesn’t seem to occur to any of them however that we might actually be doing something. Goodness me, no… all we home educators do is sit at home all day watching TV, didn’t you know! Sometimes it feels a bit like a garderie (nursery) around here. On the positive side, Elizabeth got to practice speaking French whilst she had a lovely day playing with a friend. She is still so much more into ‘playing’ than anything else and it’s nice to indulge her.
James and I took the sheep granules that he bought yesterday over to the field and it certainly had the desired effect. We took and shook a big black bucket with a handful of granules inside and they all immediately came running. They didn’t quite go so far as to eat out of our hands but I reckon they will eventually.
Tonight James is going to ring the number of a man recommended for organizing the butchering of our pig. It’s a bit sad, but that was what he was reared for. Tom is still insisting he won’t eat any of the meat, but I reckon he will change his mind when it comes to it. I am trying to stay detached but I have got so used to him being in the garden and coming running when I arrive with the pig bucket. And of course his dear sweet face looking at me through the wire; and the way he snorts when he…..STOP IT KIM!!!
Greetings! I found you via your Squidoo lens. I am the modreator for the "Happy at Home" group lens. I'm sure your insights and experiences will be a welcome addition to the group.
We've homeschooled 2 children up through highschool - they're both off and married now - and we have 2 more little girls coming up through the ranks now.
We're far from self-sufficient, but we do farm sit for a goat dairy and participate actively in 4-H.
It'll be fun getting to know you better!
Hello groovyoldlady,
Pleased to make your aquaintance! Thankyou for posting on my blog, I didn't know anybody looked at it! I will make time to have a proper browse through the Happy at Home group and all the lenses (and people behind them). We are in no way fully self sufficient but we're having fun and we're on a very steep learning curve!
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